It is the chain reaction of Pawan kalyan’s personalised comments on Congress party and its leaders. Dr.Rajashekar and his wife participating in a hot discussion conducted by a private TV channel, both of them heavily came down on PR president Chiranjeevi , and his younger brother Pawan kalyan.
Dr.Rajashekar asked whether Chiranjeevi is feeling himself as a god to give Darshan to the people? “ Chiranjeevi has no basic knowledge about the politics, but he is acting as a matured politician. First, he should avoid acting as a saviour of the people and learn how to serve the people. He should serve the people first for two or three years and then ask them for votes. What did he done for the people all these years, is nothing but running a blood bank on purely commercial basis?
He earned crores of rupees from his fans with his films, but spent nothing for them. He not even bothered for his fans, who came from far away places, just to have a shake hand with him. He is a man of selfishness. He proved it during his film career. He never entertained the industry people who sought his help in distress. How can a person like him expected of giving social justice? How can people rely on him?
Chiranjeevi , despite having large resources, did nothing for the poor and needy. His brother Pawan kalyan is yet another political joker, grandly announced about the voluntary organisation named, Common man Protection Force and signed Rs. One crore cheque in favour of it in the presence of media. But where are that force and the cheque? The cheque he took out from one of his pocket disappeared into his other pocket. This is the way they both serve the people if elected. People can understand their selfish nature and avoid vote for them. If the people vote them to power they have to suffer for five long years with out any scope or hope.”
Tags: chiranjeevi comments, chiranjeevi politics, chiru comments, chiru news, chiru politics, Jeevitha and Rajashekar, Jeevitha and Rajashekar against in chiru, Jeevitha and Rajashekar comments, Jeevitha and Rajashekar comments on Chiranjeevi, Jeevitha and Rajashekar comments politics
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