Carrying the message of Change and Social Justice, Dr. Chiranjeevi stormed into Krishna District. What a difference a person with genuine concern for the people and a firm commitment to Social Justice can make to the political discourse in the State of Andhra Pradesh. No slogans of a grandfather being spouted by a grandson; instead we heard the concept of change, and its intertwining with social justice, explained with clarity of purpose and meaning. For that, as usual he was showered with flowers wherever he went, by women – a sea of women. And the youth screamed their throats out in approval as he spoke about his vision for them, of education and employment. The entire Krishna District stood still to listen to the Megamessage.
Dr. Chiranjeevi has been repeatedly saying that the role of governments and political parties is to understand the hardships of the people and to design and implement, policies and programs, honestly and as dharmadhikaris. True to that vision, he unveiled more programs that PRP will implement when voted to power:
1.Free gas connection for every household and supply of gas cylinders at Rs. 100. For too long have we seen our women toil before wood and kerosene stoves, coughing and literally urging the food to cook for their hungry families. Food for a family is not just rice: so PRP had already unveiled a Daily Needs Package, which would provide nutritional ballast to the people. This package of free gas connection and Rs. 100 per cylinder will enable our women to use more efficient and less polluting energy source to ensure that her family can get piping hot food, and in time! This is not a populist scheme, but a well thought out one for it takes into account one of the principal role that our women choose to perform in their lives: as the mother figures to their family.
2.Recruitment of teachers (DSC) before end of January of each calendar year. PRP has consistently advocated the view that successive governments, of TDP and Congress, have unconscionably neglected the public education sector. Not recruiting teachers in time and on a regular basis have kept our schools understaffed and our children ignorant. Education is a fundamental right and it is about the future of our children. Hence, we at PRP, view this to be non-negotiable sector. Consequently, fixing a specific time for recruitment of teachers on an annual basis would ensure that the State Government would be able to select our teachers long before the start of the next academic year. Further, teaching is a noble profession and a vital source of respectable employment for our youth.
3.Social Security for the Poor and the Middle Classes. Most of the poor in this country are a part of the unorganized sector, without any sort of social security. Further, the Middle Classes are also subject to vast vicissitudes of market forces and financial meltdowns. They also need to be protected against the uncertainties of global economies. PRP will design and implement an appropriate social security program for the people of Andhra Pradesh that would protect and empower them.
Also speaking about corruption, and its asphyxiating effect on peoples’ lives, Dr. Chiranjeevi pointed out that there is not much to choose between TDP and Congress. TDP, when in power, had opened the windows of the state to the smog of corruption; and Congress, for the past five years, had allowed the fires of corruption to burst in through our front doors. Either way, development has been stunted and peoples’ lives destroyed. The welfare of the people and the future of their children were being pumped into the pockets of the venal and the corrupt, he remarked.